The weather has been wonderful lately! It has been slightly warm and sunny, except for the crazy wind. Luke has loved getting to go to the park, the lake, and play outside.

Luke LOVED the lake. The water was freezing, but he kept wanting to walk in it and even sit in it. I think he would have crawled right into the lake if we would have let him.

Luke and Ford played outside with his tools, so he could be just like dad.
Luke started really trying to walk this week. He takes about 4-5 steps now before he falls. He tries to run everytime he walks. He loves to sing, clap, and play peekaboo.
Luke is loving having Ford home, but for Ford and I, it is not quite as much fun. Ford is still looking for a job. I am looking also. He has been applying for jobs all over the country, and we know that God has a plan for us, we just aren't sure what that is yet. Please keep praying for us. We love living here, and can't imagine moving or leaving our amazing group of friends...but we are trying to keep an open mind to hear God's plan for our lives.
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