We took a trip to see our family again. We had a brief but fun stop for Luke to see his Grandmommy and Grandaddy. He also got to see his Aunt Allison and cousins. He and Brooks are going to have so much fun when they are old enough to play together. And of course Ruthie will be in charge of both of them!

We went from there to Bartlesville. There is a slideshow of pictures from that trip to the side. The drive wasn't too bad since it was broken up with stops in OKC, but by the end Luke wanted out of his car seat and was not afraid to tell us how mad he was! It was well worth it though! Luke's Nana had his picture taken at Sears. You can see the pictures at https://www.searsphotos.com/?shareid=S206479588l5VF7C2CZW5. Notice his totally awesome OU jersey!!
We love seeing family, and after having him have realized how much we miss all of them and wish that we lived closer to all of them! Especially so they could babysit :)
Luke and Grandma George
Luke and Dad at the park across from Grandma's house
Nana and Luke

Swinging at the park

Hanging out outside

Grandmother and Pop

Luke on his beautiful quilt that Grandmother Reed made for him.
We went from there to Bartlesville. There is a slideshow of pictures from that trip to the side. The drive wasn't too bad since it was broken up with stops in OKC, but by the end Luke wanted out of his car seat and was not afraid to tell us how mad he was! It was well worth it though! Luke's Nana had his picture taken at Sears. You can see the pictures at https://www.searsphotos.com/?shareid=S206479588l5VF7C2CZW5. Notice his totally awesome OU jersey!!
We love seeing family, and after having him have realized how much we miss all of them and wish that we lived closer to all of them! Especially so they could babysit :)
I don't think the slideshow will work, so here are some pictures:
Swinging at the park
Hanging out outside
Grandmother and Pop
Luke on his beautiful quilt that Grandmother Reed made for him.
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