Monday, September 8, 2008

4 months old!!

Today Luke is 4 months old!! We are so happy and thrilled to be his parents. I can't believe he is growing up so fast! He is so fun now. He laughs and smiles all of the time. He lights up when his daddy walks into the room. He loves to make gurgly noises and blow bubbles with his lips. He LOVES to watch TV (just like his mama), he stares at it anytime it is on and even smiles and laughs at it. He likes to read books and pays very close attention when you read to him. He likes to play with his hands and chew on them. He has so much fun in his exersaucer. He always wants to stand up, never lay down. He wants to see what's going on. When he lays on his tummy, he tries to scoot, and can a little bit but usually falls on his face!

To mark his 4 month birthday, he has started to sit up!! He is not great at balancing, but can do it alone for a minute or two. He uses his arms to support himself, and usually ends up falling over. Before you know it, he will be crawling! We are so proud of him.


Tate Family said...

our little Luke is getting so big and handsome =) I like the OU pic of him and ford too... so cute!