It has been so long...but I do have many good reasons why!
1. Our computer died. We think it had the swine flu, but a guy name Joe fixed it and it survived, although it is not quite the same.
2. Our camera may have also contracted the swine flu. It still works occassionally, but is definitely not reliable.
3. Ford is working in OKC, so I am playing single mommy during the week...not the easiest thing I've ever done.
4. Our house is for rent/sale, so that involves cleaning frequently so that it is ready for showings...yuck.
5. I am pregnant, and feel very yucky! (quite the surprise :)
Sooo, now that's out of the way, here is what we have been up to:
Luke had his first birthday!! He was a tad cranky because he had an ear infection, but all of his friends came and it was a really good time!
We have spent a lot of time at parks, pools, the zoo, and anything to get us out of the house. Ford comes home every weekend which has been great!
Luke was also dedicated at our church on mother's day.
I will try to update more later!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
So difficult to blog!
Posted by Lindsey at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Luke had a great Easter. We had a wonderful dinner with Aunt Casey and Uncle Dustin and Luke did an Easter egg hunt in the living room.
Posted by Lindsey at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Friends and Family
This weekend, courtesy of some of our amazing friends, Ford and I will be spending our first night away from the baby! I am so excited!! We are staying at the Gaylord Texan which I have never been to. I can't wait to eat alone, and sleep in, and not have to worry about the baby! He will be having a blast at my sister's house and I am sure he will feel like he is on vacation too since he will probably be spoiled rotten :).
I must admit that we have not done the best job at creating time for just "us" since Luke was born, so this will be a much needed get away. We have the most amazing group of friends and I love them all dearly.
This weekend is also TWO more very special birthdays!! Happy birthday to Judie, aka Grandmommy, and to Sheryl, aka Nana!! Luke sent a special work of art to you, which will probably be late as usual.
Luke getting tickled after his bath:
Ford is contemplating many different career moves, and praying to see what God has in store for us. He is looking into some missions oriented work, or ministry as well as continuing to look in the construction industry. We feel very blessed to have our amazing family, friends, and know that God will provide for us.
Posted by Lindsey at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Walking boy
Here is our little man walking. He is quite independent and wants to do it all on his own. He is about to be into EVERYTHING!
Posted by Lindsey at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring is here....kind of
The weather has been wonderful lately! It has been slightly warm and sunny, except for the crazy wind. Luke has loved getting to go to the park, the lake, and play outside.

Luke is loving having Ford home, but for Ford and I, it is not quite as much fun. Ford is still looking for a job. I am looking also. He has been applying for jobs all over the country, and we know that God has a plan for us, we just aren't sure what that is yet. Please keep praying for us. We love living here, and can't imagine moving or leaving our amazing group of friends...but we are trying to keep an open mind to hear God's plan for our lives.
Posted by Lindsey at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Aaron
Happy Birthday Uncle Aaron!!! SIX years old!! We can't believe how grown up you are. We miss you and love you.
Luke wanted to sing Happy Birthday himself, but he was a little camera shy!!
Posted by Lindsey at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
First Haircut
Last weekend, Luke had his first haircut. It took about 3 snips, and really just got some weird long spots trimmed up, but he sure looked cute! He did great and just stared at her everytime she tried get his hair. Now there is a reason why he is not wearing any clothes...My mom came to visit this day, and we went to pick her up at the airport with Aunt Casey. We parked and went inside to wait by the baggage claim. On the way in, I noticed that Stinker was quite stinky. So we went in the airport bathroom while we were waiting to change him. Now, of course the bathroom was not the most pleasant place to change him. Well needless to say, this was one of those diapers that for whatever reason appears to have exploded. Socks, undershirt, pants, sweater, every article of clothing was completely unwearable. The only thing salvaged was his jacket. Did I mention that it was like 45 degrees outside??? So we go to wait for Nana in the airport after a pretty traumatic diaper change (especially for Aunt Casey who stoically stood by her nephew despite the grossness) wearing only a diaper and a jacket. Of course, being the great mother that I am, you would expect me to have a change of clothes in the diaper bag right? Or at least in the car....well that was not the case. Soooo, since Casey and I had been desperate to get our hair done, our hair appt. was immediatly after Nana's arrival. So we went straight to the salon and all got our hair done, Luke with no clothes on. But we all survived and our hair looks wonderful!!
Luke and I with our hair-cuts peeking at dad...
Posted by Lindsey at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
On the move
Let's not discuss how long it has been...instead of going backwards, I will just start from here. If anyone wants pics from the last month or so I can email them to you.
Luke is now 9 months old and he has changed sooo much lately. Within a couple of weeks, he began crawling, then pulling up, then standing alone, and then walking along furniture and with a walker. He is everywhere now! He can stand alone for several minutes. He claps for himself all of the time and plays pattycake. He gives high fives and can play catch with a ball. He can feed himself pretty well and loves almost all food. He is still small, only in the 25th percentile, but is very strong. He has 7 teeth!! In the beginning of Feb. he had his first ear infection...which I didn't know about until the dr. told me.
He talks all the time. He says "dada" whenever he sees Ford and "mama" whenever he is upset or hungry :). He mimicks almost any sound and says "d" for dog and "b" for ball and bye. He waves bye also.
He is such a happy boy, and we are so lucky to have him!!
For Ford and I, this has been a personally difficult week. Ford lost a friend, Michael, in a car accident last week, which was extremely sudden and heart breaking. We know that he is with his Savior in heaven, and Ford is so grateful to have known him and been blessed by him.
Posted by Lindsey at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
North Pole Express
Luke and I went on the North Pole Express with all of our friends, courtesy of Josh, the "Face of Grapevine"...
We met Santa Noah was scared to death of him...Luke didn't really care about Santa
Posted by Lindsey at 11:26 AM 1 comments