Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On the move

Let's not discuss how long it has been...instead of going backwards, I will just start from here. If anyone wants pics from the last month or so I can email them to you.

Luke is now 9 months old and he has changed sooo much lately. Within a couple of weeks, he began crawling, then pulling up, then standing alone, and then walking along furniture and with a walker. He is everywhere now! He can stand alone for several minutes. He claps for himself all of the time and plays pattycake. He gives high fives and can play catch with a ball. He can feed himself pretty well and loves almost all food. He is still small, only in the 25th percentile, but is very strong. He has 7 teeth!! In the beginning of Feb. he had his first ear infection...which I didn't know about until the dr. told me.
He talks all the time. He says "dada" whenever he sees Ford and "mama" whenever he is upset or hungry :). He mimicks almost any sound and says "d" for dog and "b" for ball and bye. He waves bye also.
He is such a happy boy, and we are so lucky to have him!!

For Ford and I, this has been a personally difficult week. Ford lost a friend, Michael, in a car accident last week, which was extremely sudden and heart breaking. We know that he is with his Savior in heaven, and Ford is so grateful to have known him and been blessed by him.
This week, Ford was laid off from his job at Neiman Marcus along with 450 other people. Please be in prayer for all those looking for work, and for the Fisk family who lost Michael last week.
And if anyone is in need of a good construction/project manager, let us know!