Wednesday, December 31, 2008

North Pole Express

Luke and I went on the North Pole Express with all of our friends, courtesy of Josh, the "Face of Grapevine"...

We met Santa

Noah was scared to death of him...Luke didn't really care about Santa

Luke hung out with the boys
All while riding on a cool old train..

Ford was at the Cowboys game, but Luke and I had a good time.

Luke may have been a little young to really appreciate everything!!

Getting ready for Christmas!

So after Thanksgiving, we decided it was time to get this sleep thing under control. We started letting him cry it out at night...which we had unsuccessfully tried before. But we were desperate this time...and success!! After about a week of torture listening to him cry, he now goes right to sleep without really crying. He still wakes up sometimes, but after all of the traveling and sleeping in strange beds, what can you expect. It will be back to strict parents after New years!! So now he generally sleeps from 8-5 and eats at 5 and sleeps until 7 or so.

He is doing so well with eating, he'll eat anything! One of his favorite jars of food is Spinach and Potatoes!

Back to the holidays...

When we got home we went and picked out a tree

Took a time out for tickling

And got the tree set up in the living room.

Luke admired the tree from underneath (which is a tradition)...

And we watched Santa Claus is Coming to Town (for about 3 minutes!)

After Luke went to bed, Ford and I finished decorating the tree and house. I love decorating for Christmas!!
Since we only had two stockings, we had to find new ones so I ordered some online.


Oh I am so far behind!!! One of my new year's resolutions is to keep up with this again...but first I have to catch up!! We have traveled so much the last two months....

First we went to OKC to the OU/TT game (which was awesome). Ford's parents watched Luke for us, which was also awesome.

Then we went back to OKC, then to Bville for Thanksgiving.

I was bad about taking pictures at Thanksgiving...probably because Luke didn't sleep hardly at all the whole trip!! It was pretty stressful because Ford and I were sooo tired.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My dad is so funny!!

This video makes me laugh everytime I see it. I love these guys. Luke is such a happy boy!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Papa!!

Luke wanted to send a very special message all the way to Australia!!

We miss you Papa!! And we miss Gram and Uncle Stephen and Uncle Aaron too!! Have a great 50th birthday!! Wish you were here.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Man

My handsome boy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big boy bath

I am once again, getting behind in keeping everyone updated. (Sorry Scott at Neiman Marcus who should be working right now) The days go by so fast, and Luke is changing everyday. This week Luke got his first tooth, the day after I took him to the doctor to find out why he wouldn't sleep!! Then he started to say "da da da da", not exactly his first word, but it's still pretty cool and he says it a lot more when Ford is around. When my mom and Casey were here, we gave him his first bath in the big bath tub. He loved getting to sit there and play with toys and didn't even mind when I accidentally poured water on his face.

Everyday I thank God for giving me this little guy. I am so blessed!!

Grandma George and Luke

We were so sad to find out that my dad, who lives in Australia won't be coming to see us next week after all, so I decided to post some videos and pictures for him. This video is from a month ago when we visited Bartlesville and Luke spent some time with my Grandma. I will do more videos tomorrow that are more recent.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Family Time

We took a great weekend trip with the Duncan/Ryan side of the family. We went to a cabin in the Arbuckle mountains and it was so much fun. The place was beautiful and very relaxing!!

There was even a hot tub, which you know Ford loved!!

The week before, Luke's Nana came to visit. They got to spend a lot of time together!!


My adorable lion...

The two Tony Romos...

The naked monkey... (he hated his monkey costume) hehe!

Luke and his friends trick or treating...

The whole gang!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumkin patch in Flower Mound. It was so fun. The place is great, They have hay rides, train rides, hay mazes, kettle corn, tons of pumpkins, face painting, and of course food and they don't charge for anything except pumpkins and food! Luke had a blast and we took tons of pictures. What is it about babies and pumpkins that is so darn cute?!

I love fall!! I love the cool weather, pumpkin carving, leaves changing, and everything about it...except my allergies always go crazy!
I have been told that all I talk about on here is Luke...well that is true. But does that surprise anyone? :)

Noah and Megan

I am currently watching two kids who live next door and down the street. Noah, who I have watched his whole live, and Megan who is in 3rd grade. We have so much fun, and it doesn't even feel like I should be paid to watch them.
I got Noah a pumpkin at the farmer's market and he carried it around all day.

Megan is a cheerleader and wore her homecoming ribbon to school today. She is so sweet.

OU/ Texas!!

We had so much fun going to the OU/Texas football game. First of all, our tickets were completely free!! The best way to go to any sporting event if you ask me! Then, the people who gave us the tickets, also hooked us up with a limo to take us and pick us up. It was so awesome to not have to deal with parking or traffic!! The game was sooo crowded and pretty hot when the sun was shining on us, but very exciting. The outcome was not what we were hoping for, but it was still great to get away.

Luke stayed with his aunt Casey and Uncle Dustin, which made the whole thing possible because I wouldn't have trusted anyone else with him!! They are awesome! He didn't even cry once the whole day with them. Although I was sad when I left him, it was great to have a day away and not worry about him being taken care of! Thanks guys!!